martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

Paranormal Phenomenon

Paranormal is an umbrella term used to describe unusual phenomena or experiences that lack an obvious scientific explanation. In parapsychology, it is used to describe the potentially psychic phenomena, ghosts, and haunting, and other non-psychical subjects. Stories relating to paranormal phenomena are widespread in popular culture and folklore.


Vampires are mythological or folkloric revenants who subsist by feeding on the blood of the living. In folkloric tales, the undead vampires often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighborhoods they inhabited when they were alive. They wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy.

Werewolves – Lycanthropes

Those are mythological humans with the ability to shapeshift into wolves or wolf-like creatures, either purposely, being bitten by another werewolf or after being placed under a curse. The medieval chronicler Gervase of Tilbury associated the transformation with the appearance of the full moon.


In various historical, anthropological, religious and mythological contexts, is the use of certain kinds of supernatural or magical powers? A witch is a practitioner of witchcraft. While mythological witches are often supernatural creatures, historically many people have been accused of witchcraft, or have claimed to be witches. Witches have stereotypically, though not exclusively, been women. Witchcraft came to be seen as a vast diabolical conspiracy against Christianity, and accusations of witchcraft led to large-scale witch-hunts. Witches are often depicted as wicked old women with wrinkled skin and pointy hats, clothed in black or purple, with warts on their noses and sometimes long claw-like fingernails. They are often portrayed as concocting potions in large cauldrons. Witches typically ride through the air on a broomstick, often accompanied by black cats.


In religion, folklore, and mythology a demon (or daemon, dæmon, daimon) is a supernatural being that is generally described as a malevolent spirit. In Christian terms demons are generally understood as fallen angels, formerly of God. A demon is frequently depicted as a force that may be conjured and insecurely controlled.


A fairy, Fay, fey, fae, faerie; collectively, wee folk, good folk, people of peace, fair folk. Mythological being or legendary creature, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural.

Fairies are generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers. Their origins are less clear in the folklore, being variously dead, or some form of angel, or a species completely independent of humans or angels.


Angels are spirituals beings that done several humankind services in God´s name. Angels pleading among God and the human beings, this is done because god is strength so powerful that is impossible that a man has a contact with God face to face and continue living. The first forth angels god create were Lucifer (devil), Miguel, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael; then God created the others angels, anyone know how many angels are there? Other roles in religious traditions include acting as warrior or guard; the concept of a "guardian angel". Traditions vary as to whether angels have free will or are merely extensions of the Supreme Being’s will. While the appearance of angels also varies, many views of angels give them a human shape.

Kinds of angels.


Archangels are angels of high level; they are messengers among God and humans. There are four knower archangels Raphael, Miguel, Gabriel, Uriel; the archangels fight with its heavenly army against devil and the fell angels.


These kinds of angels are known for being shinning, powerful and incorruptible. They are closer to God and have face to face communication with God. The serafines angels control heaven also this kind of angels are call angels of love, they surrender the God´s throne singing all the time.


Querubin means “knowledge´s god” they are angels so powerful habits close of god. The querubins are not always babies or child also are represented such youth, majestically and so beautiful and they pray day and night.


A ghost is said to be the apparition of a deceased person, frequently similar in appearance to that person, and usually encountered in places she or he frequented, the place of his or her death.

Unindentified Flying object or UFo.

An Unidentified Flying Object, or UFO, is the popular term for any aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified. Define a UFO as an object unable to be identified after scrutiny, even though most subsequently become IFOs, Identified Flying Objects.

Reports of unidentified aerial phenomena date back to ancient times, but modern reports and the first official investigations began during World War II. UFO reports became even more common after the first widely publicized United States UFO sighting, by private pilot Kenneth Arnold in mid 1947. Hundreds of thousands of UFO reports have since been made worldwide.

Personal Experience:

Angel Escorts

My dear mother passed on may 8th in her sleep... she had been rallying for 4 years after breaking her hip and beating the odds, but I believe she chose her time to leave… I had 3 visual angels before she left one was a gentleman that looked identical to my dad whom passed 6 years ago... reading a paper and wearing his baseball cap and glasses, dressed identically to my dad… I had to leave the store I was in. I also had 2 significant dreams where mother told me she was ok and to let her go…the same night my aunt had a visit from my dad in a suit coming to get my mother...mother was rallying, however her heart was not in it any more...our love are care in our home was not enough… she wanted her husband and grandson whom awaited her... I asked dad to come if he was sure she was the time I awoke, my dear beautiful mother had left her bed and entered heaven without a struggle… she had the most calm and beautiful glow on her face… I know my dad and son came and swooped her away... no more pain...back to beauty and serenity. at mother's calling hours a dear friend and medium said she saw grama running thru a field of flowers holding my sons hand tightly...with grandpa following… how beautiful is that... mother loved flowers and loved her grandchildren... my living children always said taylor would have all the years he missed with grandma and grandpa now. They are a family, I so believe...she is in heaven in a better place...6 years prior my dear mother and I were present as dad passed...he was so calm and held our hands until the end... I was told by his hospice nurse that 7 warriors angels were in his room to escort him to heaven she said the native American guides were very significant… both of my parents were lovely and humanitarian. I wonder if they exited so beautifully because they were so loved by all...these two experiences have changed me for life...i so believe in the afterlife…Thanks for listening... Angels are everywhere... you just need to look....

I felt some scared experiences some years and months ago that really scared me but at the same time I did not pay so much attention.

Once I was in my home, I was almost ready to go at the university when I was brushing my teeth; I felt something was calling me that voice told my name twice so clearly, I listened the voice I thought was my neighbor, but surprise for me she was not at her apartment, I looked out the window if I could see something but I could not, at the moments I was completely nervous I tried to controlled myself and went at the university, the day after I told to my neighbor about what I heard and she told me that she happened the same the day before me.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008


Maringen Gonzalez:
Carlos Mayorga:
Rodolfo Guevara:
Maricruz Molina:
Alex Guevara:
Jennifer Molina:
Pituca (David):
Braulio Araya:
Yerling Caseres:
Haylen Cubillo:
Jonathan Gutierrez:
Dana Arias:
Greivin Araya:
Nidia Gayle:
Magaly Rojas:
Sirley Sandi:
Marisol Arce:
Meydellyn Vargas:
Maribel Leon:
Jessenia Muñoz:
Nidia Gayle Ferguson:

Technophilics vrs technophobics

Technophilia: in its simplest definition, a strong enthusiasm for technology, especially newer technologies such as computers, the Internet, cell phones and home theater.

Technophobia: Is the fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially computers. The term is generally used in the sense of an irrational fear. It is the opposite of technophilia. Technophobia has been observed to affect various demographics throughout the world. This has caused some groups to take stances against some modern technological developments in order to preserve their ideologies. In some of these cases, the new technologies conflict with established beliefs, such as personal values in simplicity and modest lifestyles.

Multiples Intelligences.

It has been claimed by some researchers that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things than others.
For some of us it is relatively easy to understand how a flower grows but it is immensely difficult for us to understand and use a musical instrument. For others music might be easy but playing football is difficult.
Instead of having one intelligence it is claimed that we have several different intelligences.

You may be body smart. You will enjoy sports and are good at swimming, athletics, gymnastics and other sports. This is sometimes called being Kinaesthetic smart.

You may be number smart. You will be good at mathematics and other number activities; you are also good at solving problems. This is sometimes called being Logical smart.

You may be myself smart. You will know about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. You will probably keep a diary. This is sometimes called being Intrapersonal smart.

Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart

You may be picture smart. You will be good at art and also good at other activities where you look at pictures like map reading, finding your way out of mazes and graphs. This is sometimes called being Visual/Spatial smart.

You may be word smart. You will enjoy reading, writing and talking about things. This is sometimes called being Linguistic smart.

You may be people smart. You will like to mix with other people and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing. This is sometimes called being Interpersonal smart.

Musical- Music Smart.

You may be music smart. You will enjoy music and can recognise sounds, and timbre, or the quality of a tone. This is sometimes called being Musical smart

Naturalistic – nature Smart.

You may be nature smart. You will like the world of plants and animals and enjoy learning about them. This is sometimes called being Naturalistic